Table 6 of Gupta, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1018-1040.

Table 6. Molecular functions involved in a GC response in hLECs contains both upregulated and downregulated genes

Each of the molecular categories represented in Figure 7 were further subdivided into the expression identified by microarray.

                                  4 h   4 h    16 h   16 h
      Molecular category          up    down    up    down
-------------------------------   ---   ----   ----   ----
Nucleic Acid Binding              16     5      -      7
Nucleotide Binding                13     4      -      5
Hydrolase Acitivity               12     3      3      5
Metal Ion Binding                 12     -      -      -
Protein Binding                   12     -      6      6
Receptor Activity                  7     -      -      3
Transferase Activity               7     7      3      7
Kinase Activity                    5     4      -      4
Transcription Factor Activity      5     -      -      -
Carrier Activity                   4     -      -      -
Helicase Activity                  4     -      -      -
Receptor Binding                   4     3      4      6
Transcription Cofactor Activity    4     -      -      -
RNA Pol II TF Activity             3     -      -      -
Protein Transporter Activity       3     -      -      -

Gupta, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1018-1040 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535