Table 2 of Tasheva, Mol Vis 2004; 10:403-416.

Table 2. The level of variation between the three replicate microarray experiments is minimal

A table of Pearson Correlation coefficients. The correlation coefficients between two samples within each group are above 0.89, whereas correlation coefficients between two samples from different groups are less than 0.5.

               Control 1   Control 2   Control 3   Experiment 1   Experiment 2   Experiment 3
               ---------   ---------   ---------   ------------   ------------   ------------
Control 1       1           0.89221     0.92944      0.41468        0.41139        0.40719
Control 2       0.89221     1           0.97993      0.32961        0.33321        0.3263
Control 3       0.92944     0.97993     1            0.2586         0.26239        0.25577
Experiment 1    0.41468     0.32961     0.2586       1              0.97734        0.9867
Experiment 2    0.41139     0.33321     0.26239      0.97734        1              0.9887
Experiment 3    0.40719     0.3263      0.25577      0.9867         0.9887         1

Tasheva, Mol Vis 2004; 10:403-416 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535