Table 1 of Chen, Mol Vis 2003; 9:735-746.

Table 1. Computer analysis of the initial 28 amino acids in MP19

Computer analysis of the MP19 amino acid sequence using several different prediction servers show that the first 26-28 amino acids serve as a signal anchor and peptide. As each amino acid is removed from the COOH-terminal end of the polypeptide, the fragments between 21 and 25 amino acids predict a signal anchor. As the truncations go below 21 amino acids, the peptide completely loses predictive function.

MYSFMGGGLFCAWVGTILLVVATATDHW  28 Prediction of a signal anchor and peptide
MYSFMGGGLFCAWVGTILLVVATATDH   27 Prediction of a signal anchor and peptide
MYSFMGGGLFCAWVGTILLVVATATD    26 Prediction of a signal anchor and peptide
MYSFMGGGLFCAWVGTILLVVATAT     25 Prediction of a signal anchor
MYSFMGGGLFCAWVGTILLVVATA      24 Prediction of a signal anchor
MYSFMGGGLFCAWVGTILLVVAT       23 Prediction of a signal anchor
MYSFMGGGLFCAWVGTILLVVA        22 Prediction of a signal anchor
MYSFMGGGLFCAWVGTILLVV         21 Prediction of a signal anchor
MYSFMGGGLFCAWVGTILL           19 Nothing

Chen, Mol Vis 2003; 9:735-746 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535