Table 2 of Burdon, Mol Vis 2003; 9:710-714.

Table 2. Polymorphisms identified in albinism genes

All novel and previously reported polymorphisms detected in this study are given. Where informative trios were available, the Pedigree Disequilibrium Test was applied and the Chi squared and p values are given. The two common variants of tyrosinase were also combined into a haplotype. No associations were significant. Asterisks (*) indicate the number of nucleotides before the start (-) or past the end (+) of the exon indicated.

   Gene             Exon          Position   squared   p value     Reference
----------   ------------------   --------   -------   -------   -------------
Tyrosinase            1            S192Y       2.3     0.1319        [24]
                      4            R402Q       2.5     0.1138        [15]
             combined haplotype                1.0     0.3173
P Gene               10            A355                              [21]
                     13            R419Q                             [21]
                     13            +26*                              [21]
                     17            -47*                              [21]
                     22            +25*                              [21]
                     24            S788                              [21]
TYRP1                 3            L158                          novel variant

Burdon, Mol Vis 2003; 9:710-714 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535