Figure 6 of Sherry, Mol Vis 2003; 9:673-688.

Figure 6. VAMP-1-immunoreactive cells show heterogeneous morphology

A-B: Large VAMP-1-immunoreactive cells in the GCL projecting to the VAMP-1 plexus in the mid-IPL. A: Two large VAMP-1 immunoreactive cells (*) in the GCL. Axons (Ax) arise from both cells, indicating that they are ganglion cells. The cell at the left has a single, large primary dendrite and branches (arrowheads) in the VAMP-1-immunoreactive plexus in the mid-IPL (identified with brackets). The cell at the right has more slender primary dendrites (arrowheads) that ramify in the proximal portion of the IPL. B: Another large VAMP-1-immunoreactive cell (*) in the GCL showing multiple primary dendrites and complex dendritic branching (arrowheads) in the VAMP-1 plexus in the mid-IPL (identified with brackets). C: A large VAMP-1-immunoreactive cell (*) in the inner nuclear layer (INL). These cells also showed one or two primary dendrites (arrowheads) projecting to the VAMP-1-immunoreactive plexus in the mid-IPL (identified with brackets) and typically had large pyriform cell bodies. D: A few large VAMP-1-immunoreactive cells (*) in the INL exhibited a rounded soma. Another large VAMP-1-immunoreactive cell (arrow) with a large primary dendrite (arrowhead) is present in the GCL. E: A smaller VAMP-1-immunoreactive cell (*) in the GCL. A slender primary dendrite (arrowhead) can be seen extending into the proximal portion of the IPL. Small VAMP-1-immunoreactive cells typically had a rounded soma. A second labeled cell out of the plane of focus is visible at the left side of the panel (*). F: Example of another comparatively small, round cell in the GCL showing VAMP-1 labeling (*). Panels A and B were created by projecting four conventional fluorescent images taken at different focal planes into a single image using the maximum projection function of the NIH Image program. Scale bars represent 10 μm.

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Sherry, Mol Vis 2003; 9:673-688 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535