Table 3 of Powell, Mol Vis 2003; 9:460-464.

Table 3. Genotype frequencies at the +4 and +32 locations of OPA1 IVS8

The +32 CC genotype is associated more than twice as often with NTG compared to controls (p=0.006).

                      Normals (%)    NTG (%)
Location   Genotype      n=168        n=61
--------   --------   -----------   ---------

  +4:         CC      111 (66.1)    41 (67.2)
              CT       53 (31.5)    16 (26.2)
              TT        4  (2.4)     4  (6.6)

              chi-square=2.663; dof=2; p=0.26

  +32:        TT       43 (25.6)    17 (27.9)
              TC      104 (61.9)    27 (44.3)
              CC       21 (12.5)    17 (27.9)

             chi-square=8.893; dof=2; p=0.012

Powell, Mol Vis 2003; 9:460-464 <>
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