Table 2 of Powell, Mol Vis 2003; 9:460-464.

Table 2. Genotype frequencies of the TP53 IVS3 and TYRP1 exon 2 polymorphisms

TP53 genotypes were separated on the basis of size. TYRP1 genotypes were separated on presence of heterozygosity, the wild-type being homozygote. The TYRP1 polymorphisms produced different chromatograms allowing their distinction. There is no difference in the distribution of alleles between the Normal and NTG groups.

                                Normals (%)    NTG (%)
    Gene          Genotype         n=168        n=61
------------   --------------   -----------   ---------
TP53IVS3       119/119 bp       120 (71.4)    44 (72.1)
               119/135 bp        42 (25.0)    15 (24.6)
               135/135 bp         6  (3.6)     2  (3.3)

                       chi-square=0.0171; dof=2; p=0.99

TYRP1 exon 2   Wild-type        139 (82.7)    51 (83.6)
               Polymorphism 1    20 (11.9)    10 (16.4)
               Polymorphism 2     9  (5.4)     0  (0)

                        chi-square=3.960; dof=2; p=0.14

Powell, Mol Vis 2003; 9:460-464 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535