Table 2 of Reinders, Mol Vis 2003; 9:420-424.

Table 2. Genotype frequencies of the MICA alleles

Genotype frequencies of the MICA alleles in the POHS patient group compared with the control group. The patient group could be subdivided into two groups according to the POHS criteria, group 1 (N=14) with POHS score=3 and group 2 (N=10) with POHS score=1 or 2. Statistical analysis was performed as previously described [30]. Abbreviations: NS, not significant; A, number of alleles per group; H, number of homozygotic patients per control; GF, genotype frequency

                Total patient                  Group 1                    Group 2                Control
                    group                   POHS score=3              POHS scores=1,2             group
                   (A=48)                      (A=28)                      (A=20)                (A=212)
          -------------------------   -------------------------   ------------------------   ----------------
 MICA                        corr.                       corr.                      corr.
alleles   A    H     GF     p value   A    H     GF     p value   A   H     GF     p value   A    H      GF
-------   --   -   ------   -------   --   -   ------   -------   -   -   ------   -------   --   --   ------
A4         4   0   0.8333     NS       4   0   0.1429     NS      0   0   0.0000     NS      18   2    0.8490
A5         5   0   0.1042     NS       3   0   0.1071     NS      2   0   0.1000     NS      31   0    0.1462
A5.1      20   6   0.4167     NS      11   3   0.3929     NS      9   3   0.4500     NS      82   16   0.3868
A6        10   0   0.2083     NS       5   0   0.1786     NS      5   0   0.2500     NS      32   2    0.1509
A9         9   1   0.1875     NS       5   1   0.1786     NS      4   0   0.2000     NS      49   4    0.2311

Reinders, Mol Vis 2003; 9:420-424 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535