Table 8 of Wride, Mol Vis 2003; 9:360-396.

Table 8. Additional known genes expressed in the lens confirmed by RT-PCR

Additional known genes expressed in the lens samples showing the accession number, the UniGene number, the gene identity, and the normalized intensity values from the microarray for each sample.

             UniGene                                                                            New    7 day
Accession    cluster                                                                   Adult   born     old
 number      number             Identity              Protein similarities             lens    lens    lens
---------   ---------   ------------------------------------------------------------   -----   -----   -----
AI323675    Mm.28130    PCTAIRE-motif protein kinase 3                                  8.33    7.83    5.91
AI327085    Mm.197601   heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin 10)                            2.31    1.67    1.77
AI327378    Mm.80501    ATPase, class V, type 10A                                       3.72    2.77    1.28
AI894153    Mm.29798    CD34 antigen                                                    2.28    2.01    1.97
AI894311    Mm.41679    serine/threonine kinase 23                                      2.28    2.01    1.97
AI427005    Mm.259357   GTPbp3                                                          3.06    0.92    0.89
AI661257    Mm.18530    Interferon activated gene 203                                  13.17   22.37   25.12
AI661038    Mm.2931     Flotillin 1                                                     4.72    2.75    2.88
AI661287    Mm.14455    Transforming growth factor, beta induced                        2.56    2.29    2.1
AI413145    Mm.27657    Sjogren's syndrome/scleroderma autoantigen 1 homolog (human)    1.08    0.35    0.5
AI430766    Mm.133122   protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 12A       0.7     0.23    0.21

Wride, Mol Vis 2003; 9:360-396 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535