Figure 2 of Banh, Mol Vis 2003; 9:323-328.

Figure 2. Normalized relative light transmittance of heat shock and cycloheximide experiment (2 year old bovine lenses)

Relative transmittance (%) on the Y axis versus the temperature points (°C) on the X axis (pre-cold cataract, cold cataract, and post-cold cataract). The values and bars represent normalized mean and standard error of the mean, respectively. There was both a significant temperature and treatment effect (repeated-measures analysis; p<0.05). The heat shock group (HS, with culture, marked with a star) was significantly different (unpaired student-t test; p<0.05) from the control groups (control with culture medium, control ethanol, and control cycloheximide). HS with cycloheximide was not significantly different from the control groups (control with culture medium, control ethanol, and control cycloheximide).

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Banh, Mol Vis 2003; 9:323-328 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535