Figure 3 of DePianto, Mol Vis 2003; 9:288-294.

Figure 3. Transactivation potential of the c-Maf transcription factor

Transactivation potential of the c-Maf transcription factor in co-transfection experiments. Mouse (m) and human (h) lens fiber cell promoter constructs were transfected with the c-Maf expression vector, pMex/Neo c-Maf or the pMex/Neo vector containing no insert. The luciferase activities are relative to the promoter-less and enhancer-less pGL2-Basic vector. Each construct within an experiment was transfected in triplicate and summarized data is the result of at least three separate transfection experiments. All errors are expressed as standard deviation.

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DePianto, Mol Vis 2003; 9:288-294 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535