Table 5 of van Lith-Verhoeven, Mol Vis 2003; 9:138-143.

Table 5. Clinical details of the BSMD family

Clinical details of the affected BSMD family members, including visual acuity, EOG, ERG and dark-adaptation results

                     Visual acuity    Scotopic    Photopic        EOG
        Exam         --------------   ---------   ---------   -----------
Pt.     year   Age    OD       OS     OD    OS    OD    OS     OD     OS    DAE
-----   ----   ---   -----   ------   ---   ---   ---   ---   ----   ----   ---
II-1    1968   43    20/20   20/20    285   305   125   120   1.6    1.5     N
        1995   70    20/25   20/20    -     -     -     -     -      -       -

II-3    1968   42    20/20   20/20    205   285   135   110   1.0    1.0     N
        1994   68    20/20   20/25    -     -     -     -     -      -       -

II-4    1968   38    20/20   20/20    325   345   135   135   1.3    1.3     N
        2001   71    20/20   20/20    -     -     -     -     -      -       -

II-8    1968   32    20/25   20/20    320   260   130   120   1.85   1.95    N
        2001   65    20/50   20/200   -     -     -     -     -      -       -

III-1   1968   14    20/25   20/25    435   355   145   120   1.4    1.45    N

III-2   2001   40    20/40   20/16    -     -     -     -     1.35   1.41    -

III-4   2001   35    20/20   20/40    -     -     -     -     1.44   1.46    -

III-5   2001   26    20/25   20/25    -     -     -     -     1.78   1.65    -

Scotopic: ERG scotopic b-wave amplitudes in μV (Normal: >200 μV)
Photopic: ERG photopic b-wave amplitudes in μV (Normal: >80 μV)
EOG: electro-oculography (Arden ration p95: >1.65)
DAE: dark adaptation elevation

van Lith-Verhoeven, Mol Vis 2003; 9:138-143 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535