Table 5 of Bowne, Mol Vis 2003; 9:129-137.

Table 5. RP1L1 repeat allele frequencies

The 16 amino acid repeat polymorphism was typed in all 60 adRP samples as well as in 60 control DNAs. The number of observed copies of the repeated sequence varies from 1 to 6 in both adRP and control populations. Frequencies were calculated based on the combined 120 individuals.

         Number of   GenBank
Allele    repeats     entry     Frequency
------   ---------   --------   ---------
  1          1       AY168341     0.18
  2          2       AY168342     0.61
  3          3       AY168343     0.02
  4          4       AY168344     0.07
  5          5       AY168345     0.08
  6          6       AY168346     0.03

Bowne, Mol Vis 2003; 9:129-137 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535