Table 1 of Al-Ghoul, Mol Vis 2003; 9:119-128.

Table 1. Statistical analysis of basal fiber ends versus F-actin profiles

There was no statistical difference between the mean size of the basal fiber ends and of F-Actin profiles (p=0.324; student's t-test). SE represents standard error.

                  Basal Fiber Ends   F-Actin Profiles
Parameter               (SEM)             (LSCM)
---------------   ----------------   ----------------
Mean±SE              40.21±0.29         40.65±0.33

Number of fiber         175                175
ends compared

Range               26.28-49.79        30.03-54.79

Median                 40.56              40.83

Al-Ghoul, Mol Vis 2003; 9:119-128 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535