Figure 5 of Bourcier, Mol Vis 2003; 9:96-102.

Figure 5. Electrophoretic profile of the human SDF-1 product and CXCR4 receptor in comparison to S14 product obtained from RT-PCR

SDF-1 (lanes 1-4) and S14 (lanes 1'-4') analysis is shown in the upper gel. Lanes 1 and 1' are negative controls; lanes 2 and 2' are SH-SY5Y cells (positive control); lanes 3, 4 and 3', 4' are second passage corneal fibroblasts from 2 corneas of different donors. CXCR4 (lanes 1-4) and S14 (lanes 1'-4') analysis is shown in the lower gel. Lanes 1 and 1' are negative controls; lanes 2 and 2' are SH-SY5Y cells (positive control); lanes 3, 4 and 3', 4' are second passage corneal fibroblasts from 2 corneas of different donors. The molecular weight standards on the sides are from a 50 bp DNA ladder.

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Bourcier, Mol Vis 2003; 9:96-102 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535