Figure 6 of Chen, Mol Vis 2002; 8:372-388.

Figure 6. Expression of MP19green in T-RexTM-293 cells

T-RexTM-293 (293) cells were transfected with the MP19-pEGFP-pcDNA4/TO (MP19greenTO) vector and stable clones were picked following Zeocin selection. The stable cell line containing MP19greenTO was seeded onto coverslips and induced with tetracycline when the cells reached the correct cell density. Fluorescent cells were then observed with both confocal and Epi-fl microscopy. A: Confocal microscopy analysis of MP19green expression in 293 cells (EGFP filter set). The image was obtained using the inverted microscope with a 40x water objective. B: Epi-fl microscopy analysis of MP19green expression in 293 cells (EGFP filter set). The image was obtained using a Nikon Optiphot-2 upright microscope with the episcopic-fluorescence attachment EFD-3. Cells were observed using a 40x oil objective.

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Chen, Mol Vis 2002; 8:372-388 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535