Figure 18 of Chen, Mol Vis 2002; 8:372-388.

Figure 18. MP19To3red and Golgi-green protein expression in 293 cells

MP19To3redTO cells were cotransfected with the Golgi-pEGFP-N1 plasmid. 48 h following transfection with Golgi-pEGFP-N1, the cells were induced with tetracycline. The cells were observed with confocal microscopy (Both EGFP and DsRed filter sets). A: Image of cells using the EGFP filter set (Golgi-green). B: Image of cells using the DsRed filter set (MP19To3red). C: Superimposed image from A and B. The image was obtained using the inverted microscope with a 40x water objective. The images were further magnified using Adobe Photoshop 7.0.

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Chen, Mol Vis 2002; 8:372-388 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535