Table 2 of Li, Mol Vis 2002; 8:341-350.

Table 2. Real time PCR measurements of retinal p53 mRNA levels

Real time PCR results demonstrating that p53 mRNA levels are elevated in retinas 3 h after NMDA injection into the eye. The values indicating a difference in p53 cDNA levels were calculated by taking 2 to the exponential of the value of the threshold crossing difference between the experimental and control eyes at each time point. The values are presented as fold differences. ND, not determined.

Sample   Experiment 1   Experiment 2
------   ------------   ------------
  1 h     ND            -29.7 fold
  3 h     16.56 fold     13.36 fold
  6 h     -1.06 fold     -1.82 fold
 18 h     ND             -4.22 fold

Li, Mol Vis 2002; 8:341-350 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535