Table 1 of Reddy, Mol Vis 2002; 8:298-305.

Table 1. Composition of rat diet

The Control column is rats maintained on regular rodent diet, the PR column is the 75% protein restriction group while the VR column is the 50% vitamin restriction group. The composition of the diet is given in g/100 g, as reported in Reeves [31].

Component        Control    PR      VR
---------        -------   -----   -----
Starch            57.2     78.7    57.2
Casein            28.6      7      28.6
Refined ground
nut oil            7        7       7
Salt mixture       4        4       4
mixture            1        1       0.5
DL-Methionine      0.2      0.2     0.2
Cellulose          2        2       2
chloride           0.25     0.25    0.25

Reddy, Mol Vis 2002; 8:298-305 <>
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