Table 2 of Venkatesh, Mol Vis 2002; 8:294-297.

Table 2. Two-point lod scores of CFEOM1 markers in the CFEOM family IISC-1

                                 lod scores at theta
Markers    0.000    0.050    0.100    0.150    0.200    0.300    0.400
--------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   -----
D12S61     -0.000   -0.016   -0.023   -0.024   -0.019   -0.006   0.003
D12S1631    1.408    1.234    1.061    0.889    0.721    0.398   0.124
D12S87      0.359    0.295    0.235    0.180    0.131    0.055   0.013
D12S345     1.806    1.609    1.408    1.206    1.003    0.605   0.242
D12S59      1.575    1.397    1.218    1.039    0.863    0.523   0.214
D12S1048    0.329    0.270    0.215    0.166    0.123    0.055   0.014
D12S1668   -2.070    0.327    0.474    0.493    0.457    0.307   0.122
D12S1090   -1.671    0.458    0.580    0.573    0.512    0.314   0.101
D12S85      0.204    0.163    0.125    0.093    0.066    0.027   0.006

Venkatesh, Mol Vis 2002; 8:294-297 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535