Figure 7 of Boyle, Mol Vis 2002; 8:226-234.

Figure 7. Intracellular localization of DNA

Fluorescence confocal analysis of epithelial cells after treatment with plasmid DNA for 290 min, without and with prior encapsulation with GenePORTER liposomes. A: Z-scan analysis after incubation with plasmid DNA without prior encapsulation. Arrowheads designate nuclei of epithelial cells. B: A plane of focus containing fluorescently labeled nuclei (arrowheads) of epithelial cells from lens incubated with plasmid DNA without prior encapsulation. C: Z-scan analysis after incubation with plasmid DNA with prior encapsulation. Arrows designate regions of epithelium containing fluorescently labeled cytoplasm in epithelial cells, and large arrows designates regions of the epithelium without fluorescence. D: A plane of focus containing epithelial cells incubated with plasmid DNA after prior encapsulation, showing preferential fluorescence in the cytoplasm (arrow) and not nucleus (arrowhead).

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Boyle, Mol Vis 2002; 8:226-234 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535