Table 1 of Kinkl, Mol Vis 2002; 8:149-160.

Table 1. Antibodies used in current investigation

The table lists all the monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies used in this study, together with the commercial supplier or research investigator, and recommended dilution.

Antibody                               Antigen                           Remarks            Reference/Supplier
------------------------------------   -------------------------------   ----------------   ------------------------------
FGFR-1, rabbit polyclonal, sc-121      Carboxy terminal, human FGFR-1    Dilution 1:200     Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
FGFR-2, rabbit polyclonal, sc-122      Carboxy terminal, human FGFR-2    Dilution 1:200     Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
FGFR-3, rabbit polyclonal, sc-123      Carboxy terminal, human FGFR-3    Dilution 1:500     Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
FGFR-4, rabbit polyclonal, sc-124      Carboxy terminal, human FGFR-4    Dilution 1:200     Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
Phospholipase Cg1, PLCg1, sc-426       aa530-850 of rat PLCg1            Dilution 1:500     Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
Son of Sevenless 1, (SOS1), sc-256     Carboxy terminal, human SOS1      Dilution 1:500     Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
Son of Sevenless 2, (SOS2), sc-258     Carboxy terminal, mouse SOS2      Dilution 1:500     Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
Extracellular signal-related kinase    Sub-domain XI of rat ERK1 (weak   Dilution 1:1000    Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
  (ERK1/2), sc-94                        cross-reaction with ERK2)
Protein tyrosine phosphatase 2         aa6-213 of human SH-PTP2          Dilution 1:500     Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
  (SH-PTP2), sc-424
SH2-containing protein (Shc), 06-203   aa366-473, human GST-Shc          Dilution 1:100     Upstate Biotechnology, Inc.
7G6 anti-primate cone monoclonal       Soluble, membrane associated 50   Dilution 1:200     Dr. P. MacLeish, Morehouse
  antibody                               kDa                                                  University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Peanut Agglutinin lectin (PNA)-Alexa   Galactose sugar residues          Concentration      Molecular Probes
  488                                                                      25 μg/ml
Parvalbumin monoclonal antibody        Parvalbumin                       Dilution 1:1000    Sigma-Aldrich
115A10 monoclonal antibody             Rabbit olfactory bulb membrane    Labels cone        Dr. S. C. Fujita, Mitsubishi
                                         protein                           "on" and rod       Institute for Life Sciences,
                                                                           bipolar cells,     Tokyo, Japan
                                                                           1:5000             Tokyo, Japan
HPC-1 monoclonal antibody              Rat syntaxin 1                    Labels amacrine    Sigma-Aldrich
                                                                           cells, 1:500
Neurofilament sub-unit 68 kDa          Neurofilament sub-unit 68 kDa     Labels ganglion    Sigma-Aldrich
  monoclonal antibody                                                      and horizontal
                                                                           cells, 1:1000

Kinkl, Mol Vis 2002; 8:149-160 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535