Table 2 of Garcia, Mol Vis 2002; 8:10-16.

Table 2. Lectin staining in cryosections

This table summarizes the fungal staining obtained with different lectins at several concentrations on frozen tissue. "++" denotes bright staining; "+" denotes moderate staining; "+/-" denotes uneven staining; "-" denotes background staining. We found important differences in fungal and corneal staining with different lectin concentrations. The identification of the microorganisms was easier in frozen sections than in paraffin specimens (compare with Table 3).

Lectins      (mg/ml)      C. albicans   A. fumigatus   F. solani
-------   -------------   -----------   ------------   ---------
 Con A           1             -             -             -
                 5             -             -             -
                10             +             +            +/-
                50             +            +/-           +/-
               100             -             -             -
  WGA            1             -             +             +
                 5             +             ++           ++
                10             +             ++           ++
                50            +/-           +/-           +/-
               100             -             +             -
               500             -             -             -
  PKM           10             -            -              -
                50             -            +/-           +/-
               100            +/-           +/-           +/-
               500             -            +/-           +/-
              1000             -            +/-            -
  GNA            1            +/-           +/-            -
                 5            +/-           +/-           +/-
                10            +/-           +/-           +/-
                50             -             -             -
               100             -             -             -
 SWGA            1             -             ++            +
                 5             +             +             +
                10             -            +/-            +
                50             -             -             -
               100             -             -             -
               500             -             -             -

Garcia, Mol Vis 2002; 8:10-16 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535