Table 10 of Garcia, Mol Vis 2002; 8:10-16.

Table 10. Concordance among two observers for the identification of Fusarium solani

A second observer evaluated the Fusarium solani samples (see Table 7). There was a slightly higher discrepancy in the evaluation of cryosections infected by Fusarium solani. There was good inter-rater reliability as shown by the concordance index k=0.9252 and McNemar=0.25 (p=0.6171).

                              Observer 1
                      Positive   Negative   Total
                      --------   --------   -----
Observer   Positive      53          2        55
   2       Negative       2         50        52
                      --------   --------   -----
            Total        55         52       107

Garcia, Mol Vis 2002; 8:10-16 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535