Table 4 of Dekomien, Mol Vis 2002; 8:138-142.

Table 4. Exon/intron organisation of the human and canine PDC genes

Comparison of exon and intron lengths and homologous sequences of the splice sites of man and dog. The exon/intron boundaries follow the gt-ag rule. Exon sequences are depicted in upper case, intron sequences in lower case. For the Exon Nuelcotide Position, numbering refers to the corresponding nucleotide positions of exon/intron boundary in the PDC gene (canis: EMBL accession numbers AJ429100 and CFA417559 through CFA417561; human: reverse complement of DNA sequence of clone RP13-317E13, EMBL accession number AL162722).

                 Exon                                            Intron
        -----------------------                                ----------
            Length   Nucleotide                                    Length
        #    (bp)     position    Splice site                  #    (bp)
        -   ------   ----------   --------------------------   -   ------
Dog     1     69           69     AACCAAACTgtgagtctgcaggtgg    1   ~15000
Human         69       120404     ATCCAAACTgtgagtccacaagtag         75390
Dog     2     85          105     tttgttcatactatagATTATATAA
Human         85        44942     tttgttcctcctatagATTATATCA
Dog                       189     CACATACAGgtatgaaaatctagaa    2    ~1900
Human                   44856     CACATACAGgcaagcaaagctagaa          2820
Dog     3    152          226     tttcttttattcagGACCCAAAG
Human        152        42036     taatttcattccagGACCCAAAG
Dog                       377     AGCAGAAAGgtaagggaaaaatcaa    3    ~1500
Human                   41885     AGCAGAAAGgtaagataatacaaaa          1947
Dog     4    934          520     cttttgtctattcccagATGAGCATT
Human        918        39937     catttctttattctcagATGAGCATT

Dekomien, Mol Vis 2002; 8:138-142 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535