Table 1 of Rex, Mol Vis 2002; 8:114-118.

Table 1. Quantitation of M- and S-cone opsin mRNA in normal, detached, and reattached retinas

Cells labeled with anti-sense riboprobes to either M- or S- cone opsin were counted in sections from control (normal, attached), detached, and reattached retinas. N = number of animals studied

                                     Average number of cells/mm of retina (±SEM)
Experimental              -----------------------------------------------------------------
Conditions            N    M-opsin    p value   mm retina    S-opsin    p value   mm retina
-------------------   -   ---------   -------   ---------   ---------   -------   ---------

Control               8   33.8±5.02      -         230      3.29±0.45      -         230

  1 day               2   5.16±3.00   <0.005        48      2.41±0.84    1.00         32
  3 day               2   1.25±1.02   <0.005        44      1.38±1.12   >0.05         25
  7 day               2   1.21±1.18   <0.005        23      0.74±0.50   <0.005        37
  28 day              2   0.69±0.56   <0.005        40      1.19±0.32    1.00         40

  1 h/3 day           3   40.7±6.30    1.00         21      4.85±0.45   >0.05         35
  1 day/2 day         3   25.4±2.33    1.00         25      2.95±0.29    1.00         37
  3 day/28 day        3   28.8±2.40    1.00         46      2.96±0.96    1.00         67

The p values were determined using ANOVA and a post-hoc t-test. For the M-opsin studies: df=6,18 and F=12.2. For the S-opsin studies: df=6,17 and F=4.43.

Rex, Mol Vis 2002; 8:114-118 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535