Figure 7 of Sullivan, Mol Vis 2002; 8:102-113.

Figure 7. Increased cleavage with greater enzyme concentrations

Cleavage reactions were conducted with increasing [E]:[S] ratio (truncated [S] constant at 650 nM) over a 1 h period at 37 °C in the presence of 20%(v/v) formamide. As the Rz2B concentration increases (lanes 1-4) greater quantities of cleavage products (P1, P2) form such that by 100:1 ratio approximately 40% of S RNA is converted to products. Lane 1 is Rz2B:Short 6:1, Lane 2 is Rz2B:Short 25:1, Lane 3 is Rz2B:Short 50:1, Lane 4 is Rz2B:Short 100:1. Lane 5 has Short S without Rz2B in 20% formamide. Note the doublet S bands that appear in the presence of hRz.

(10 K)

Sullivan, Mol Vis 2002; 8:102-113 <>
©2002 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535