Table 1 of Wagner, Mol Vis 2001; 7:57-62.

Table 1. Cell cycle changes in N/N 1003A rabbit lens epithelial cells overexpressing PKCa using acridine orange differential staining

Percentages represent percentage of cells in each phase ± standard error of the mean. Using a Student's t-test for independent samples (n=4) and p<0.05, there is a significant difference in the number of cells cycling in G0/G1 phase and S phase between untransfected N/N 1003A cells with or without zinc acetate and cells overexpressing PKCa for 7 days.

                                         Untransfected cells   Overexpression   Overexpression
Cell cycle phase   Untransfected cells    with zinc acetate       for 24 h        for 7 days
----------------   -------------------   -------------------   --------------   --------------
      G0/G1            34.10±2.79%           37.69±1.75%         41.24±3.33%      89.63±5.66%
        S              56.84±3.02%           52.10±3.73%         48.17±5.14%       8.05±2.73%
      G2/M              9.06±2.49%           11.61±1.08%         10.59±1.57%       2.32±0.98%

Wagner, Mol Vis 2001; 7:57-62 <>
©2001 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535