Table 1 of Rohrer, Mol Vis 2001; 7:288-296.

Table 1. Characteristics of a- and b-waves

Data was combined from the two sets of animals, normalized to their respective wild type (WT) controls and expressed in [% WT levels]. The retina appears to be able to compensate for a loss of up to 50% of trkB (trkB+/fbz and trkB+/-) with respect to amplitudes, light sensitivity and kinetics; whereas any further loss (trkBfbz/fbz and trkB-/-) resulted in a dose dependent deterioration of sensitivity and kinetics. p values: *p<0.01; **p<0.003; #p<0.05; ##p<0.005.

                   a-wave           a-wave          b-wave            b-wave
 Genotype         Amplitude         Slope          Amplitude          Slope
-------------   -------------   --------------   --------------   ---------------

WT              100.0 ± 25.4    100.0 ± 8.1      100.0 ± 41.0     100.0  ± 41.2
trkB(+/fbz)     104.4 ±  9.6    101.6 ± 13.5     122.9 ± 17.7     111.39 ± 39.6
trkB(+/-)       105.6 ± 17.0     (not done)       93.3 ± 24.5       (not done)
trkB(fbz/fbz)    74.8 ± 12.2*    75.8 ± 25.3      53.8 ± 35.9##    38.2  ± 23.2**
trkB(-/-)        25.4 ± 12.1#    52.4 ± 22.0##     0   ±  0         0    ±  0

Rohrer, Mol Vis 2001; 7:288-296 <>
©2001 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535