Figure 6 of Santhoshkumar, Mol Vis 2001; 7:172-177.

Figure 6. Thermal aggregation of CS in the presence of chaperones

Thermal aggregation of citrate synthase (CS) in the presence of chaperones at 43 °C was carried out. Curve A shows CS alone (75 mg); curve B shows CS + mini-aA-crystallin (25 mg); curve C shows CS + aA-crystallin (25 mg); curve D shows CS + aB-crystallin (25 mg); curve E shows CS + mini-aA-crystallin (50 mg); curve F shows CS + aA-crystallin (50 mg); and curve G shows CS + aB-crystallin (50 mg).

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Santhoshkumar, Mol Vis 2001; 7:172-177 <>
©2001 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535