Figure 1 of Shaw, Mol Vis 2001; 7:6-13.

Figure 1. The P347S hammerhead ribozymes

A: DNA and amino acid sequences of the wild type (GenBank accession number for human is U49742 and for porcine is AF008947) and P347S mutation in from the transgenic porcine model and human opsin mRNA. Amino acid residues and nucleotides in red indicate differences in the mutants compared to the respective wild type sequences. B: Sequence and secondary structure of the porcine P347S hammerhead ribozyme and target (in blue) oligonucleotides. C: Sequence and secondary structure of the human P347S hammerhead ribozyme and target (in blue). Cleavage sites following the NUX target sites are indicated.

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Shaw, Mol Vis 2001; 7:6-13 <>
©2001 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535