Figure 6 of Lyubarsky, Mol Vis 2001; 7:71-78.

Figure 6. Recovery of cone-driven ERGs after a strong conditioning flash in WT and RGS9-1 -/- mice

Responses to white "probe" flashes isomerizing ~1.2% of the M-cone pigment and ~0.9% of the UV-pigment delivered at various interstimulus intervals (ISIs) after an initial flash of the same intensity. Responses obtained without immediately preceding conditioning flashes are identified as "Control". The control records were obtained with an orange (l>530 nm) steady background that produced ~6000 photoisomerizations rod-1s-1 for the WT animal and ~3000 for the RGS9-1 -/- mouse to completely suppress rod signals [12]; for all other recordings rod activity was suppressed with the conditioning flash. Each trace is the average of 5-10 records. A time gap of 3.5 ms containing a flash artifact has been omitted from the traces of the WT mouse.

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Lyubarsky, Mol Vis 2001; 7:71-78 <>
©2001 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535