Table 4 of Schmidt, Mol Vis 2000; 6:287-293.

Table 4. Odds ratios for familial AMD by APOE genotypes

Age-specific, Mantel-Haenszel, and logistic regression-based odds ratios (with 95% confidence intervals) for APOE genotypes for familial AMD cases (referent group: e3/e3 genotype). For e2/* genotypes, the p values are from two sided Fisher's exact test. For e4/* genotypes, the p values are from left sided Fisher's exact test.

  APOE                       Age                        Mantel-      Age &  sex
Genotype   ----------------------------------------    Haenszel     adjusted OR
            <70 years    70-79 years    >79 years         OR        (modeling)
--------   -----------   -----------   ------------   -----------   -----------

e2/*       0.64          0.97          0.63           0.78          0.82
           (0.23-1.79)   (0.41-2.30)   (0.13-2.92)    (0.42-1.43)   (0.43-1.54)
           p=0.48        p=1.0         p=0.71         p=0.42        p=0.53

e4/*       0.24          0.99          2.09           0.66          0.66
           (0.08-0.72)   (0.48-2.01)   (0.35-12.51)   (0.39-1.13)   (0.38-1.12)
           p=0.004       p=0.56        p=0.90         p=0.13        p=0.13

Schmidt, Mol Vis 2000; 6:287-293 <>
©2000 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535