Table 2 of Schmidt, Mol Vis 2000; 6:287-293.

Table 2. APOE genotype and allele frequency distribution

Comparison of APOE genotypes and alleles of cases and controls, overall and by family history of cases.

                    Sporadic      Familial      All cases     Controls
                      cases         cases
                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

APOE genotype
  e2/e2              2  (2.0%)     2  (1.6%)     4  (1.7%)     4  (1.1%)
  e2/e3             13 (12.9%)    13 (10.1%)    26 (11.3%)    44 (11.8%)
  e3/e3             58 (57.4%)    91 (70.5%)   149 (64.8%)   225 (60.5%)
  e2/e4              4  (4.0%)     2  (1.6%)     6  (2.6%)     8  (2.2%)
  e3/e4             21 (20.8%)    21 (16.2%)    42 (18.3%)    81 (21.8%)
  e4/e4              3  (3.0%)     0  (0.0%)     3  (1.3%)    10  (2.7%)
Total              101           129           230           372

APOE-e4 carriers
                    28 (27.8%)    23 (17.8%)    51 (22.2%)    99 (26.7%)

APOE allele
  e2                21 (10.4%)    19  (7.4%)    40  (8.7%)    60  (8.1%)
  e3               150 (74.3%)   216 (83.7%)   366 (79.6%)   575 (77.3%)
  e4                31 (15.4%)    23  (8.9%)    54 (11.7%)   109 (14.6%)
Total              202           258           460           744

Schmidt, Mol Vis 2000; 6:287-293 <>
©2000 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535