Figure 2 of Guo, Mol Vis 2000; 6:216-21.

Figure 2. PI 3-kinase activity in anti-p110a immunoprecipitates from PY-ROS and N-ROS

Anti-p110a immunoprecipitates from PY-ROS and N-ROS (300 mg protein each) were assayed for PI 3-kinase activity with [g-32P]ATP using PI-4,5-P2 as a substrate. The [32P] labeled phospholipids were separated by TLC and visualized by autoradiography (inset). PI-3,4,5-P3 spots were scraped and counted for radioactivity. Values are mean and standard deviation for four independent ROS preparations (p<0.02).

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Guo, Mol Vis 2000; 6:216-21 <>
©2000 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535