Table 1 of John, Mol Vis 2000; 6:204-215.

Table 1. Characteristics of human retinas used in study

Normal and RP eyes were fixed and processed by similar methods.

  Case      Age/Gender   PMI (h)   Fixative   Diagnosis
 --------   ----------   -------   --------   ---------
 FFB-316       68 M        8.25       P        ad RP*

 FFB-424       50 F        6.5      P + G      ad RP**

 FFB-360       84 M       24.       P + G      ad RP#

 FFB-517       99 F        5.25     P + G      ad RP##

 FFB-525       65 M        6.0      P + G      Normal

 0164-00       75 M        4.25     P + G      Normal

 0403-93       51 F        3.0        P        Normal

 99-11-23      53 M        0.         P        Normal
PMI = post mortem interval
P = 4% paraformaldehyde
G = 0.5% glutaraldehyde
*rhodopsin thr-17-met mutation
**rhodopsin glu-64-ter mutation
#rhodopsin pro-23-his mutation
##rhodopsin gly-106-arg mutation

John, Mol Vis 2000; 6:204-215 <>
©2000 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535