Table 2 of Takemoto, Mol Vis 2000; 6:164-168.

Table 2. Percent deamidated Asn-143

              Age    % Deamidated
 Lens Type    (yr)       Asn-143
-----------   ----   ------------
   Normal      59        <10
   Normal      61        <10
   Normal      64        <10
   Normal      66        <10
   Normal      71        <10

Cataractous    59     29.6±3.2*
Cataractous    60     44.6±1.6*
Cataractous    60     68.0±2.8*
Cataractous    65     53.9±1.7*
Cataractous    70     74.4±8.4*

*The average of 3 determinations, ± standard error

Takemoto, Mol Vis 2000; 6:164-168 <>
©2000 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535