Figure 11 of Steele, Mol Vis 2000; 6:85-94.

Figure 11. Analysis of murine Lim2 and β-actin RT-PCR products

RT-PCR products were generated from wild type and transgenic lenses. One set (lanes 2-5) used Lim2 primers and the other set (lanes 7-10) used β-actin primers. Lanes 2, 4, 7, and 9 were left undigested and lanes 3 and 5 were digested with BstE I while lanes 8 and 10 were digested with Bgl II. Lanes 6 and 11 show RT-PCR negative control products (samples without RNA) for Lim2 and β-actin, respectively. Lanes 1 and 12 show 1 kb molecular weight markers. Bands of interest are indicated by arrowheads.

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Steele, Mol Vis 2000; 6:85-94 <>
©2000 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535