Table 3 of Matsunaga, Mol Vis 1999; 5:39.

Table 3. Northern Analysis on Subconfluent RPE Cells

Total RNA from young and senescent subconfluent cells grown in low or high serum was subjected to Northern analysis. The table lists the ratio of gene expression for senescent to young cells.

               low      high
cDNA Probe    serum     serum
----------   -------   -------
IGFBP-2        27.9    >100
VEGF            1.7       0.9
TGF-ß2          1.0       1.8
PDGF-B          1.3       0.9
FGF-5           0.3       0.7
bFGF            0.4       0.3

Matsunaga, Mol Vis 1999; 5:39 <>
©1999 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535