Table 4 of Stewart-DeHaan, Mol Vis 1999; 5:37.

Table 4. Oxidized and reduced glutathione in rat tissues after GSH injection

            Time       GSH        GSSG       Ratio         Ratio
 Tissue     (min)     (nmol)     (nmol)    (GSH/GSSG)    (GSH/GSSG)
--------    -----    --------    ------    ----------    ----------
Plasma        30     312         256         1.21           1.84
(per ml)     240     345         163         2.23

Lens          30     111          39.7       2.80           1.31
(per lens)   240     128          35.0       3.66

Aqueous       30       0.0339    Trace         -             -
Humor        240       0.0334    Trace         -
(per eye)

Vitreous      30       1.74        7.08      0.246          1.91
Humor        240       3.03        6.45      0.470
(per eye)

3H-GSH (2 µCi) diluted with 2 µmoles GSH was injected into each animal.

Stewart-DeHaan, Mol Vis 1999; 5:37 <>
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ISSN 1090-0535