Figure 2 of Chang, Mol Vis 1999; 5:21.

Figure Identification of lop18 mutation by PCR and Dra III digestion.

Digestion of the PCR amplified products with Dra III from DNA of wild type (CBA/CaGnLe, C57BL/6J), lane 2 and 3; heterozygous (B6xCBA/CaGnLe-lop18/+) F1, lane 4; CBA/CaGnLe-lop18/lop18, lane 5; and 5 backcrosses (B6xCBA/CaGnLe-lop18 F1 x CBA/CaGnLe-lop18/lop18, Lanes 6-10, 7 and 8 with cataract and 6, 9 and 10 without cataract) mice revealed the predicted RFLP pattern. Lane 1 is 100 base pair (bp) DNA size marker and left side is the predicted fragment size in base pairs (bp). Running conditions: 3 mm thick 3% MetaPhor agarose gel, submerged under 0.5X TBE buffer to a depth of 3 mm, in a horizontal 20 cm gel at 6 volts/cm for 2 hours.

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Chang, Mol Vis 1999; 5:21 <>
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