Table 1 of Uchida, Mol Vis 5:1, 1999.

Table 1. Effects of Bay K 8644 on basal and K+-stimulated [Ca2+]in

                      Intracellular Ca2+ (nM)
Condition           3.6 mM K+         35 mM K+
Control              65 ±  7          250 ± 41

Bay K 8644 (1 µM)   198 ± 41*         321 ± 47**

Washout              92 ±  7          203 ± 31

All measurements were made on photoreceptors exposed to the standard three KCl stimulation paradigm (Control, Bay K 8644, Washout) as described in Methods (Protocol II). Measurements under each condition represent the average [Ca2+]in for 3 min before the control KCl stimulation (3.6 mM K+) and the last 3 min of the 6 min stimulation period (35 mM K+). Bay K 8644 was added 10 min prior to the second stimulation period. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM of 8 photoreceptors. Repeated measures ANOVA at 3.6 mM K+ indicated a significant treatment effect (F= 8.966, df=7,2, p=0.003); asterisk (*) indicates p = 0.004 for comparison to Control and p = 0.017 for comparison to Washout. Repeated measures ANOVA at 35 mM K+ indicated a significant treatment effect (F = 9.864, df = 7,2, p = 0.002); double asterisk (**) indicates p = 0.045 for comparison to Control and p = 0.002 for comparison to Washout.

Uchida, Mol Vis 1999; 5:1 <>
©1999 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535