Table 8 of Nickerson, Mol Vis 4:33, 1998.

Table 8. Comparison of Binding Properties (Dissociation Constant (Kd) and Number of Binding Sites (N)) of Intact WT IRBP versus a Mixture of Repeats

                 Kd(µM)     Kd(µM)       N         N
                 Enhance    Quench    Enhance    Quench

Intact WT        0.109       0.448     2.70       2.14
                 (53)*       (17)      (4.4)      (1.5)

Mix of           0.896       0.984     2.90       2.71
Four             (48)        (18)      (9.3)      (7.0)

# of Titr'ns       5          4         5          4

* The numbers in parentheses represents the coefficients of variation in percent.

Nickerson, Mol Vis 1998; 4:33 <>
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ISSN 1090-0535