Table 6 of Nickerson, Mol Vis 4:33, 1998.

Table 6. Trans-Parinaric Acid-Tryptophan Quenching: Binding of trans-Parinaric Acid to IRBP

Protein    # of Titr'ns      S/CV          Kd(µM)/CV      N/CV         Bmax

EcR1          6             14100/32       0.0448/70      0.181/19     2430

EcR2          7              9250/17       0.0152/95      0.195/9.7    1810

EcR3          5             29600/36       0.127 /47      0.174/25     4970

EcR4          6             14600/19       0.0200/85      0.141/12     1890

Nickerson, Mol Vis 1998; 4:33 <>
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ISSN 1090-0535