Table 5 of Nickerson, Mol Vis 4:33, 1998.

Table 5. All-trans-Retinoic Acid-Tryptophan Quenching: Binding of Retinoic Acid to IRBP

Protein  # of Titr'ns      S/CV         Kd(µM)/CV        N/CV      Bmax

EcR1        5             6060/27       0.503/29       1.02 /18    5960

EcR2        4             6580/26       0.765/32       1.22 /18    7350

EcR3        5             6740/46       0.740/44       1.00 /35    5750

EcR4        5            13600/31       0.718/30       0.718/37    7830

Nickerson, Mol Vis 1998; 4:33 <>
©1998 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535