Table 1 of Nickerson, Mol Vis 4:33, 1998.

Table 1. Retinol-Tryptophan Fluorescence Quenching

Protein    # of Titr'ns    A*/CV**       S*/CV           C*/CV      Kd*(µM)/CV       N*/CV      Bmax*

Wild Type      6          161.5/102    13763/33       -0.015/33     0.5390/49      1.7300/59    15805

EcR1           5           57.9/424     7886/18.6     -0.015/23     0.2050/36      0.7620/45     5634

EcR2           5           77.0/82     14888/33       -0.010/72     0.7315/35      0.8129/19     9596

EcR3           6          109.4/42     25970/69       -0.045/18     0.5409/28      0.2503/28     6500

EcR4           6           42.0/60     10024/30       -0.015/9.7    0.5034/13      0.3622/28     3631

* The units and parameters/definitions are given above in the Methods section. Kd is defined as the dissociation constant and Bmax is defined as the maximum binding capacity in this and subsequent tables.
** CV = coefficient of variation. All coefficients of variation are given in percent.

Nickerson, Mol Vis 1998; 4:33 <>
©1998 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535