Figure 6 of Kennedy, Mol Vis 4:14, 1998.

Figure 6. Proximal and Distal CRALBP Promoter Sequences

(A) Alignment of mouse and human CRALBP proximal promoter sequences. Conserved nucleotides are boxed and consensus regulatory elements are underlined. Represented by arrows are the transcription start-sites (+1) and the 5' end of the 0.3pGL2 human CRALBP reporter construct that directs RPE specific reporter expression in vitro [8]. The mouse gene transcription start-site is based on the human gene.

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(B) Alignment of mouse and human CRALBP distal promoter sequences. Conserved nucleotides are boxed, consensus regulatory elements are underlined and regions with >=90% nucleotide conservation are indicated by arrows. A previous study using human CRALBP reporter constructs 2.1 and 1.6 pGL2 (5' ends indicated) suggests the distal promoter region contains an enhancer element [8]. Sequence alignments were performed using GeneWorks 2.5 (Intelligenetics).

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Kennedy, Mol Vis 1998; 4:14 <>
©1998 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535