Figure 4 of Kennedy, Mol Vis 4:14, 1998.

Figure 4. Mouse CRALBP Introns 3-6

The approximate size of mouse CRALBP introns 3-6 was determined by PCR amplification using primers designed to the flanking exons. (A) The ~13 kb mouse CRALBP phage clone as template: lane 1, intron 3 ~1.8 kb; lane 2, intron 4 ~1.5 kb; lane 3, intron 5 ~2.6 kb and lane 4, 1 kb DNA Ladder (Gibco, BRL). (B) 129/SvJ genomic DNA as template: lane 1, intron 6 ~1.2 kb; and lane 2, 1 kb DNA Ladder (Gibco, BRL). Exon sequence (200-300 nt) was subtracted from each of the observed intron PCR products.

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Kennedy, Mol Vis 1998; 4:14 <>
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