Figure 9 of Phillips, Mol Vis 2024; 30:239-259.

Figure 9. Type I rats showed the most prominent changes in serum biomarkers. A: Heatmap of z-scores for all 12 biomarkers assessed, (B) Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels, (C) Serum C-peptide levels, (D) Serum leptin levels, (E) Serum PYY levels, (F) Serum FGF-21 levels, and (G) Serum glucagon levels evaluated by multiplex from serum collected post-euthanasia. The colored asterisks correspond to a significant difference with the group that shares the color of the asterisks. Black asterisks correspond to a significant difference with every other group. * p<0.026, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001. Results expressed as mean ± SEM. For details on statistical analysis, including why an α level of 0.026 rather than 0.05 was used, please see the Methods section.