Figure 6 of Kolb et al

Figure 6:
Light response of another A28 cell recorded in the eyecup preparation.

a) The largest depolarizing transient rides on the depolarizing response to the smallest spot stimulation (660 um). Increasing the spot size (from top to bottom, 660 um, 1300 um and 2000 um) make the depolarizations smoother and more sustained. An after hyperpolarization is present with small spot stimulation and turns into the sustained surround response after stimulation with the two large annuli (3.2 mm/1,4 mm and 3.2 mm/0.9 mm o.d./i.d.). Light intensity = 1.6 x 109 Quanta/sec/cm2.

b) Red, green and blue spot stimulation (600 um dia., wavelengths shown) elicit the same sustained depolarizing responses.

This article may be referenced as: Mol. Vis. 3 : 6, 1997
©1997 Molecular Vision
ISSN 1090-0535